The latest news and information
2024 Season Opening
Musical Tour of Ireland – September 20th – 27th, 2025
Sullivan’s Songhouse is very excited to be partnering with Wild Atlantic Music Tours of Ireland to do a seven day musical tour on the west coast of Ireland through counties Clare, Galway, Sligo and Mayo. All the details can be found at the following link:
Cultural Tourism Award
The ‘SONGS’ go way back
Sullivan’s Songhouse – On the road!
While returning home from a golf trip in Florida, Sean Sullivan and Sheldon Thornhill along with a few good buddies had some time to spare while waiting to board their Westjet flight to Newfoundland.As he often does, Sheldon decided to take out his accordion and start playing. Sean quickly joined in. Before they knew it there were dozens of people gathered around and joining in on what quickly became a Newfoundland Kitchen Party, much like you will find at Sullivans Songhouse!There were videos taken and shared on Facebook which quickly went viral!
Check out some of the media posts below:
Delayed flight turns into Newfoundland kitchen party at Pearson International Airport
Newfoundland kitchen party breaks out at Toronto airport after flight delayed